
Showing posts from February, 2021

Behind the scenes production of my short film POST 15/16

  We started very early in the morning around 8am. We took two cars to pick up everyone who was involved with filming before heading to Thetford forest. It was tricky to get everyone in the same place as there was no mobile connection but we worked it out in the end. We started to walk in a random direction until I found a spot I thought it would work for the shots. I then helped my two main leads get into their costumes and make up. We filmed for a few hours but unfortunately I had forgotten an SD card and my phone was dying so the last scenes were rushed and if it hadn't been for COVID I would of gone back to film the last section again. Then me and my two leads headed to my nans house while the other actors were dropped off at their homes. We filed the last few scenes we needed at my Nans house, I still need to film a little more but unfortunately due to COVID restrictions I have been unable to do that.

Student made short film "toast" POST 2

 I have recreated a student made 1 minuet short film called toast. After having first watched the video I took a screenshot and analysed the Mise en scene, editing and cinematography of every shot. The screen shots of the work are slightly blurry. Also the first shot is at the end of the post and works up from there. List of props I will need: Bread Toast Lighter Hairdryer Plate Oven  Actor: Suzanne (my mum) will be my actor, I have chosen her because she was the only person in my house available to help me but she is also very funny and can take direction well. Here is my recreation I could not get access to the music over the top but have kept in the natural diegetic sound. I also had to edit on my phone as I did not have access to premier pro so I was unable to do the slow constant zooms.