
Showing posts from May, 2021

rough cut of my final film POST 17

  what I still had left to do; I had a lot more footage but realised I had almost reached the time limit so was going to play around with the ending, of which the footage was not the best anyway, and also with the beginning too. There was also a section where there is no video, I was intending to use that to signify the filming I didn't get done however on time issues reflection I would of removed this. I did also not get a chance to import the sound I had chosen into my short film and I was hoping to figure out away to change the volume level of the argument at the start so it sounded more like it was coming from outside the room, not still the same volume as standing right in front of the camera. I also was in the process of working out how to colour correct he footage in the woods so it had more of a blue hint, in fitting with my Tim Burton inspiration.