Short film planning
short film plan Genres: Horror- suspense = instant entertainment, easy to watch. However cannot be to gory or anything as I do not have accesses to SFX however I could do more research into make up effects. Action- would be hard to pull off, could contact local services to get necessary shots. It would be very entertaining and keep audience focus Crime/Mystery- something that keeps audience guessing trying to figure out what's going on, might be hard to do as everything ahs to be very particular, utilises all of mise en secene. Genres I really like: I like comedy films, however for coursework is not a good idea as if i don't make it funny it's an instant fail. I really like the fantasy however for coursework I feel that without a large budget of company support it would fall short of it's intended perpouse. Short films I'd take inspiration from: Arrival (simple, intriguing/mystery) or The Fly (simple minimalistic, slight thrille