The Godfather review
The Godfather review (1972) If I could drescribe the Godfather in two words it would be "incohearent disaster". My main problem with the alleged 5 star hit from 1972 is its nonsesical narritive. There seems to be 100 irrelivent plot points and i found it hard to follow as the narritive would be compleatly abandond and a whole new one picked up. Absoleutly no emtional connection or backstory was given to any of the characters which made the film feel so shallow and rushed, when some of the "important" characters died for example when Marlon Brandos character died, THE LITTERAL orginal godfather i felt absolutley nothing at all, and to be honest I felt so bored I fast foward the magority of the scene. I found AL Pacino (Michael's) character arch to be devastatingly disapointing. I understand he wanted nothing to do with the business and was agasint it but the attemped murder of his father drove the primal instict for revenge out of his pure inoccent so...