Real film- inspiration for short film???

On a recent particularly rainy day me and my dad sat down and watched the 2019 horror/mystery "Midsommar". 
My dad thought it was too long and too boring and that it didn't make any sense. However, I thought that it was a very clever film that normalised what was happening. Once it had finished I reflected on how the outrageous and graphic some of the scenes were, I felt as though while watching it everything is done subtly and the "anti" is slowly upped so that in real time I felt less shocked or felt that some how these steps were rational in a way. 
I also really enjoyed the juxtaposition of the naturalistic imagery of flowers and fields and cliffs and stone to the violent imagery of blood and suicide and graphic death. (Levi Strauss theory of binary opposites).
I loved how they kept the audience guessing and left/revealed little clues and hints along the way so that in the end it all "made sense", I liked how the end left the audience wanting to go "WHAT!?!?!" and they had so many questions that will never be answered. I also found me and my dad guessing what will happen next, "that drinks drugged!" "He's going to die next" "they didn't really leave" "they're going to kill themselves" "she'll do this!" etc. 

I would like to incorporate some of these elements into my 5 minute short film. I feel that it maybe tricky as I only have 5 minutes, however I would like to somehow take the subtly and perhaps imagery from it to inspire me in my own work. Also make mine just as unnerving and disturbing as I feel that is the most interesting and grabs the viewers attention.    


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