Mathew Project Experience

I have volunteered to help the Mathew Project in creating a none smoking campaign with a few of classmates. In is post I would like to document my experience in my first paid work.

Our fist meeting:
In the meeting we decided the role of everyone and came up with a rough story board. My role was Costume and hair and make-up. We decided to keep the story short as to not lose the attention of the younger target audience. We were going to flick between two perspectives, that of the smoker (cool) and the watcher (smoker looks silly). We also decided to include a skateboard to emphasise his lack of popularity.

Our Second meeting:
In this one we did a casting call for actors. We choose a classmates of our skater as he had a skateboard and the appropriate clothes.

Over the next few meetings we travelled into Wymondham to film the video and then we edited the footage together but we thought a voice over would best suit the video. We also chose music that acted as a oxymoron to the situations that were unfolding.

Next we edited the footage this proved hard as the camera operator hadn't been as steady as the though they were, so we decided to make the video contain lots of short clips.

Here is the final video:



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