What do I want to do with my short film and why? POST 4

 According to Bulmer and Katz film is for either entertainment and escapism or for information and education. While I do believe that is important to use cinema's immense influential platform to raise awareness of important issues or educate people on historic events of tragedies as to learn from our mistakes, I think is is more for the everyman to use to escape from their busy lives. I think it is very important for cinema to entertain and allow the viewer to escape, more so than to educate the viewer. Many people across the world live in lots of different situations, some times those situations can be terrible and it's hard for those people to get out of these situations and cinema allows them to escape for an hour or two to live a different life where they can be anyone anywhere and I think that's more valuable than guilt tripping the general public.

I would to like to create my short film to entertain people. I would like to maybe include a hidden message as this is not uncommon for films made for entertainment and education, however if there is not one then I would not mind. I would like to head down a mystical fantasy feel route, with a splash of horror/thriller. I would not be too upset if horror/thriller did not come into my short film but I would like it too as I think it adds Intrigue and excitement to a piece.  

Micro elements in my short film: 

Setting- I would like the setting to be naturalistic as I like nature and think that it would be easier to film there as It's nice and open and it's public domain so I would not need permission to film.

Costume- I would like my costume to be fairly minimalistic and simple, I think this would be cost effective, but still could be impactful as they allow more attention on narrative and character expression and movement

Lighting- I would like there to be a contrast of light in my piece. I would like it to be mostly dark as I think this would reflect well on the horror thriller side and adds intrigue as it's unclear of what's going on

Hair and make-up- I would like to be a little adventurous with the hair and make up, maybe include some SFX and use it creatively in an artistic way.

Character expression and movement - I would like there to be a focus on this as I would like to include minimal dialogue as I often find the equipment available to me not always the best at picking up sound, especially outside.  

Props- I would like to include one mystical prop that could be the main focus of the piece, something magical.

Sound- I would like to use sound in my piece to add suspense and sometimes deliver a jump scare. As I want minimal dialogue I want it to help tell the story of my film.

Editing- I would like to be as creative as I can when it comes to editing and use as many different cuts as I can because again I feel this makes the piece more entertaining and interesting.

Cinematography- Again I would like to keep this creative as possible and use lots of different shot types.  

Narrative- I would like my short film to have a circular narrative, something non linear. I would most likey use clause Levi Strass' theory of binary opposites to drive the narrative of my piece


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