Why are short films made? POST 14

  • What is the point of them?
Short films are made for the same reason as feature films. To entertain people and help them escape their everyday lives. Or to inform and educate people on important matters. This is what Bulmer and Katz suggest. Then Stewart hall says it's up to the audience how much of the education they take on and whether they agree with the message or not. 
  • Who makes? Who is in them?
Short films are often student made and have their peers or people they know in them. Some short films hold auditions for cast as a less familiar person maybe easier to feel superior to on set, giving the creator full authority. Short films are not always made by students but it's more likely as they do not have the budget or experience for feature length.
  • How and where are they exhibited?
They are often shown at film festival where lots are shown and a winner is then voted after all films have been show cased. There also countless uploaded to Youtube everyday where thousands of people can watch them for free. 
  • Has this always been the case?
Short films used to be shown in cinemas or theatres before the internet. Also most films didn't used to be super long not like the almost 2 hour features we're used to now.
  • Who watches short film?
Short films are for everyone. However I would say short films are more often watched by students/young people. I'd say this is because most short films are made by students or young people as they do not have the funds or experience to make a feature length film.


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