final Casting POST10

Colin: He is my dad and plays one of the cloaked figures the figures just need to be tall and require no               acting, he is 6ft1. 

Cassie: She is a peer at my school and a friend so I know she will take me seriously and listen to me. She plays a cloaked figure and is 5ft9.

Ralph: He is my boyfriend so will have to do as I tell him. He plays a cloaked figure and is 6ft3.

Suzanne: She is my mother and I have been bouncing my ideas off her she will understand my vision and help explain it to others. She plays a cloaked figure and is 5ft7.

George: He is playing figure and will be a main character. He takes A Level Drama and has been in many stage shows, I know he can take on direction well and has a lot of acting experience.

Natasha: She has been in lots of plays and has done drama her whole life. She also takes A Level drama and will be able to follow direction but also act on impulse.


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